Pregnancy and Back Pain

The Role of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Chiropractic physicians use a wide variety non-surgical, drugless techniques to treat spinal and musculoskeletal complaints. Gentle manipulation or mobilization of the pelvis and spine during pregnancy is extremely safe with very low risk. This is an appropriate treatment modality with over a 100 years of utilization for management of back pain during pregnancy. Prior to recommending or implementing a treatment program, the doctor of chiropractic medicine will take a detailed history of your complaint and perform a physical examination. The examination will consist of a variety of neurological and orthopedic tests. The doctor will recommend a treatment program based upon your medical history and the examination findings. Directed care may include clinical nutrition, posture training, massage therapy, spinal mobilization/manipulation, acupuncture and specific exercise therapy. The chiropractic physician will often integrate care with your medical physician and obstetrician.